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Today’s Exchange Every Day
  • September 18, 2024

    You can’t be that kid, standing at the top of the water slide, overthinking it. You have to go down the chute.
    – Tina Fey, American actress, comedian, writer, and producer

    Contributed by Erin Glenn, Managing Editor of Exchange Press.

    Our sincere gratitude to those of you who shared with us, a letter to your younger self. Each one was a gift to read, and it was clear that they were meaningful to write – full of encouragement, light-heartedness, and tender reflection.

    Thank you to the anonymous contributor who shared this with the community:

    “Once upon a time, there was a child who imagined their world as a storybook…
    The child was full of hope. A heart of gold.
    Looking for trees to climb, and a friend to run and laugh with.
    This child was creative and eager to learn.
    She was brave and imagined she could do anything she set her mind to!
    This child’s life wasn’t perfect. But she imagined a world in which it was.
    Through the years though, as this child’s story unfolded, life brought challenges, moments of joy, heartache, excitement, friendships, disappointments, celebrations, and uncertainty.
    It brought moments where words hurt. Moments where it wasn’t easy to be brave.
    But she was brave.
    Moments where she had to choose her own path. And at times, she wasn’t sure if it was the right one.
    Did she take the high road? Not always. But she did her best.
    Did she make mistakes? Oh, she sure did.
    But this child grew up with people around her who cheered her on.
    Loved and nurtured her passions.
    Let her fall and were there for her when she got back up.
    Each one of you is part of a child’s story.
    Every interaction, every kind word, every time you show up for a child…it matters, and it has lasting impacts.
    Each one of you has your own story. You were once a child and your experiences have led you to where you are today.
    And today, we are part of the early childhood community, making a difference in the lives of children, families, and communities.”

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