By Binta Dixon and Michele Hemenway Pullen
Today’s Exchange Every Day
November 29, 2024
It’s our job to see that the people coming ahead, the generations still unborn, have a world no worse than ours and hopefully better.
– Chief Oren Lyons, traditional Faithkeeper of the Turtle ClanIn the article, “How to Honor the Real Thanksgiving Story With Kids” on the Tinkergarten website, Meghan Fitzgerald offers a thoughtful guide for meaningful holiday conversations.
“We want our children to learn from and contribute to a world where all people feel seen, valued, and known…This is ongoing and important work to do all year round. Start by teaching children real stories and truths about Native and Indigenous peoples, both from the past and the present.” Fitzgerald suggests using resources like to explore the original caretakers of the land and reading books by Native authors to combat stereotypes and broaden children’s understanding.
The author points[…]
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