Exchange Leadership Initiative Applications due March 27, 2023

Do you know someone who has made an impact in the world of early care and education?

Maybe that someone is you! We are looking for leaders in all facets of ECE, with all the diversity and inclusiveness we know the field offers. When you click on the link provided, you will be able to choose to apply for yourself, or to send an invitation to apply to someone you recommend.

Exchange is committed to supporting leadership and identifying leaders in our field. The 450 members of the Exchange Leadership Initiative are everywhere, doing powerful work. All of them share these traits:

  • Passion and a belief that they must, and can, make a difference on behalf of young children and their families or in the field of early childhood education.
  • Vision for what needs to happen.
  • Determination, grit, persistence, and a willingness to continue to learn and grow.
  • Belief that together, we are stronger.
  • Commitment to social justice and the tenets of diversity, equity and inclusion.
  • Humility based on recognition that leaders before us have built the mission, passion and knowledge base of our field.
  • Pride and the willingness to self-identify as a leader.

When someone sees themself as a leader, it changes how they think and how they act. Each of us has the capacity to contribute to our field. Exchange Leadership Initiative applicants must complete the application themselves. All applications are reviewed by the ELI application review team. The application deadline is March 27, 2023.

Pam Boulton

Author, Pam Boulton

Pam Boulton, Ed.D., is coordinator for the Exchange Leadership Initiative for Exchange magazine and is an instructor for the Center for Early Childhood Professional Development and Leadership in the University Wisconsin-Whitewater Department of Continuing Education. She focuses on leadership development in the early childhood field.

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