Being bold, pulling back your shoulders, stepping out of safe predictability and speaking up for what matters. Does this describe you or how you yearn to be? Each time we choose BOLDness, being Brave Original Loving Direct, scary as those times can be, magic happens. Our vision clears, our hearts rejoice, we grow. Our actions radiate hope for all. Our true self high-fives our terrified self. Smiles glow and spread. When we choose BOLDness, we also risk being body-slammed. Messengers of change can get shot. BOLDness and resistance to being BOLD compete in a ritualistic dance. Which prevails? So much depends on forces beyond our control. Given the kneecapping dangers, why choose boldness in our gentle profession? Fear-based actions are rarely actions coming from love. If you feel ashamed of or embarrassed by tooting your own horn, thank you for being human. There is no shame in loving on yourself for the risks you take to make life better.