Complementary Curriculum Approach
Transform Your Practice Through Intentional Teaching
by Lisa Porter Kuh, Ph.D and Iris Chin Ponte, Ph.D
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The Complementary Curriculum Approach provides four powerful and strategic intentions to cultivate rich classroom environments for learning. These interrelated tools will help teachers invigorate their practice and trade “harried and chaotic” for “settled and engaged.”
The Complementary Curriculum Approach is a practical and inspiring guide, written by and for early care and education professionals who want to trade “harried and chaotic” for “settled and engaged.” Not a series of defined lessons and predetermined activities, the Complementary Curriculum Approach is a way of approaching curriculum that builds upon the teacher’s ability to personalize the environment and understand their role in children’s learning. The Complementary Curriculum Approach invites teachers to support children’s play and cultivate classroom environments with rich, interesting learning experiences at the core. Four strategic and powerful teaching intentions are presented. The goal is that teachers will invigorate their practice and enhance their own time and energy by using these fresh, interrelated tools.