Art of Leadership: Developing People in Early Childhood Organizations
Revised Edition
by Multiple authors
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Professionals working in early childhood organizations need to continually improve their skills and broaden their perspectives. Developing People offers practical advice from leading experts in our field on selecting, training, and appraising staff, as well as promoting teamwork among staff members.
Professionals working in early childhood organizations need to continually improve their skills and broaden their perspectives. Developing People offers practical advice from leading experts in our field on selecting, training, and appraising staff, as well as promoting teamwork among staff members.
The Art of Leadership Series is a comprehensive hands-on series of books that examines every aspect of effective center management from A to Z. Offering the best advice and thinking from recognized experts on program administration, these books are designed to be comprehensive, hands-on training texts as well as ongoing reference tools for center administrators. The ideas presented are practical; the strategies are proven to work.