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Happiness is Running Through the Streets to Find You

Translating Trauma's Harsh Legacy into Healing

by Holly Elissa Bruno



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In her personal memoir, Holly Elissa Bruno shares her childhood experience of trauma and abuse with you to offer a beacon of hope and a tangible example of how you can make a positive difference in the world and most of all, in the lives of children.


Happiness Is Running Through the Streets to Find You is a remarkable book, written by a remarkable woman. When I think of how easily Holly Elissa laughs and loves, given everything she’s endured, I am in awe. To say that her story is a testament to the human spirit is to use a cliché, but there’s simply no other way to put it. Because of Holly Elissa’s courage in writing this book, readers will have a much greater understanding of and empathy for children who have experienced trauma.”

– Rae Pica, Author, What If Everybody Understood Child Development?

“Holly Elissa Bruno has done it again! In her latest work, Holly has carefully and sensitively balanced the emotional minefield of trauma with the healing words of stories that flow with deep understanding, direction, and comfort. While personal trauma may seem unsurmountable, Holly guides with care, juxtapositions, and the ahas! of self-reflection and discovery. Each bite-size story or anecdote takes the reader on a personal journey in the healing process. This excellent format lets the reader follow a direct approach or simply pick any story or ‘chapter’ at random. And each will certainly lead to unexpected personal reflections, with the option to return later for extra good counsel. The topics will challenge, fire old hurts, produce tears, and ultimately provide peaceful joy. Thanks to Holly for the courage to bring this work forward!”

– Luis A. Hernandez, ECE Specialist, TTAS/Western Kentucky University

Preface: I Marvel
Introduction: No One Steals My Soul Anymore
Part 1: Learning the Drill
Part 2: In Youth, It Was a Way I Had
Part 3: Desperately Seeking the Divine
Part 4: Betrayal
Part 5: Every Girl For Herself
Part 6: Up to the Balcony
Part 7: Adult in Body, Child Within
Part 8: Our Painful Past Becomes Our Greatest Asset
Part 9: Trauma Survivor Seeks Deeper Source
Part 10: Tribal Drums Beat with Abandonment
Epilogue: Mending the Broken Heart

Author, Holly Elissa Bruno

Holly Elissa Bruno, best-selling and award-winning author, international keynote speaker and radio host, served as assistant attorney general in Maine and on the faculty of University of Maine-Augusta and Wheelock College. She is an alumna of Harvard University’s Institute for Educational Management. Her sixth book, “Happiness is Running Through the Streets to Find You: Translating Trauma’s Harsh Legacy into Healing,” was released by Exchange Press in March 2020, and has sparked webinar discussion worldwide on finding hope in unbearable times.

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