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Jessica Price

About Jessica Price

Jessica Mauricio Price, MS works as the Eco-Health Child Care® Program Manager at The Children’s Environmental Health Network. Through this position, she helps provide education and actionable and low-cost techniques that child care facilities can take to help protect their children and staff from hazardous substance exposures.  Jessica decided early in her career to focus on helping prevent humans and animals from coming into contact with hazardous substances. She worked at the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for nine years. Jessica received her M.S. in Environmental Toxicology from Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. She worked for the Texas Department of State Health Services in the Health Assessment and Toxicology program for five years as a Health Educator and Information Specialist. In this role, Jessica facilitated communication between agency scientists and the community so residents could better understand how to protect themselves from exposure to hazardous chemicals.
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