2024-09-25T16:23:36-05:00By LaShorage Shaffer|All-Access/Pro Members, Articles, Free Members, Issue 274 - Summer 2024, Public, Standard Members|
About LaShorage Shaffer
LaShorage Shaffer, Ph.D., is an associate professor in early childhood/early childhood special education at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in early childhood, early childhood special education, and special education in the department of education. She has served as the faculty director of the Early Childhood Education Center on campus. Shaffer has led or co-led several research projects supporting stakeholders across the educational spectrum. Her research activities are in the areas of utilizing evidence-based practices to enhance teaching, social and emotional development, challenging behavior, supporting culturally and linguistically diverse populations, personnel preparation, policy for children at-risk and with special needs and their families, and professional development. As an educator and researcher, Shaffer strongly believes in providing both pre-service and in-service professionals with the educational knowledge, pedagogy, and the ability to develop a strong philosophical stance which are core components of supporting children with and without disabilities and their families.