2024-03-25T13:48:23-05:00By Iris Chin Ponte, Mismiki Montgomery, Mike Browne, Nick Terrones, Luis Hernandez, Ann Pelo and Joe Waters|All-Access/Pro Members, Free Members, Public, Standard Members, Surviving to Thriving, Video|
About Mike Browne
Mike Browne (he/him) is the senior director of community engagement for Cultivate Learning at the University of Washington. Browne is a New York-raised Afro-Caribbean, former tap dancer and collegiate athlete, working to dismantle white supremacy and forms of oppression in our society. After exchanging his tap and football shoes for a chance to live and work in London and Spain, he returned to his passion for early learning as an educator, coach, and consultant. Bringing his sense of discovery, wonder, and awe with him, and an MBA in international business and marketing, Mike brings a unique perspective to early learning that balances grassroots efforts with systemic accountability to ensure we address social and political crises surrounding early learning, by working to restore and maintain joy in our work with young children. Follow him on Twitter @miguelitobrowne.2024-03-25T13:48:23-05:00By Mike Brown, Mike Browne, Bonnie Neugebauer, Mismiki Montgomery, Rachel Robertson and Diann Gano|All-Access/Pro Members, Free Members, Public, Standard Members, Surviving to Thriving, Video|