2023-06-09T17:21:45-05:00By Luis Hernandez|All-Access/Pro Members, Articles, Free Members, Issue 266 - July/August 2022, Public, Standard Members|
About Luis Hernandez
Luis A. Hernandez, early childhood education specialist, brings solid expertise based on his work history in Head Start, child care, preK programs, college and universities, child care resource and referral administration, and professional development design. His core work focuses on a wide range of early childhood education and professional development topics. His expertise includes early literacy, dual language learning, adult learning practices, family engagement, and ECE management and leadership topics. As a regular presenter and keynote speaker at national, state, and local conferences, Hernandez is highly regarded for his motivational and energizing presentations. For those interested in exchanges, discussion, and more on the topic, please contact him at [email protected].2024-03-25T13:48:16-05:00By Elyssa Nelson, Cecilia Scott-Croff, Chip Donohue, Andy Sherrard, Debra Sullivan, Sam Hall, Alison Maher, Chris Whitmire, Luis Hernandez and Rhonda Paver|All-Access/Pro Members, Free Members, Public, Standard Members, Surviving to Thriving, Video|
2024-03-25T13:48:16-05:00By Elyssa Nelson, Cecilia Scott-Croff, Chip Donohue, Andy Sherrard, Luis Hernandez, Sam Hall, Rhonda Paver, Alison Maher, Debra Sullivan and Chris Whitmire|All-Access/Pro Members, Free Members, Public, Standard Members, Surviving to Thriving, Video|
2024-03-25T13:48:16-05:00By Elyssa Nelson, Cecilia Scott-Croff, Chip Donohue, Chris Whitmire, Andy Sherrard, Luis Hernandez, Sam Hall, Rhonda Paver, Alison Maher and Debra Sullivan|All-Access/Pro Members, Free Members, Public, Standard Members, Surviving to Thriving, Video|
2024-03-25T13:48:16-05:00By Elyssa Nelson, Cecilia Scott-Croff, Chip Donohue, Chris Whitmire, Andy Sherrard, Luis Hernandez, Sam Hall, Rhonda Paver, Alison Maher and Debra Sullivan|All-Access/Pro Members, Free Members, Public, Standard Members, Surviving to Thriving, Video|
2024-03-25T13:48:17-05:00By Aleta Mechtel, Debra Sullivan, Ellen M. Drolette, Nancy Rosenow, Luis Hernandez, Kathe Petchel, Michelle Zimmer, Phil Acord, Cecilia Scott-Croff, Rachel Robertson and Marjorie Kostelnik|All-Access/Pro Members, Free Members, Public, Standard Members, Surviving to Thriving, Video|
2024-03-25T13:48:17-05:00By Aleta Mechtel, Debra Sullivan, Ellen M. Drolette, Nancy Rosenow, Luis Hernandez, Kathe Petchel, Michelle Zimmer, Phil Acord, Cecilia Scott-Croff, Rachel Robertson and Marjorie Kostelnik|All-Access/Pro Members, Free Members, Public, Standard Members, Surviving to Thriving, Video|
2024-03-25T13:48:17-05:00By Aleta Mechtel, Debra Sullivan, Ellen M. Drolette, Nancy Rosenow, Luis Hernandez, Kathe Petchel, Michelle Zimmer, Phil Acord, Cecilia Scott-Croff, Rachel Robertson and Marjorie Kostelnik|All-Access/Pro Members, Free Members, Public, Standard Members, Surviving to Thriving, Video|
2024-03-25T13:48:18-05:00By Ivonne Diaz, Anthony Diaz, Christina Schlottenmeier, Lauren H. Paver, Rob Schlottenmeier, Chrystal Taitt, Tess Krovetz, Ashley Marotta, Luis Hernandez, Aleta Mechtel, Julie Wassom, Holly Bayer, Amber Trapp, Linda Smith and Bonnie Neugebauer|All-Access/Pro Members, Free Members, Public, Standard Members, Surviving to Thriving, Video|
2024-03-25T13:48:18-05:00By Anthony Diaz, Ivonne Diaz, Lauren H. Paver, Christina Schlottenmeier, Rob Schlottenmeier, Chrystal Taitt, Tess Krovetz, Ashley Marotta, Luis Hernandez, Julie Wassom, Aleta Mechtel, Kathe Petchel, Holly Bayer, Amber Trapp, Linda Smith and Bonnie Neugebauer|All-Access/Pro Members, Free Members, Public, Standard Members, Surviving to Thriving, Video|