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Exchange Press

Pam Oken-Wright

About Pam Oken-Wright (Edit profile)

Pam Oken-Wright, M.Ed., is a pedagogical consultant and author who worked with young children as a teacher-researcher for 37 years. She has studied the Reggio Emilia philosophy since 1990 and enjoys supporting educators on their journeys exploring this most joyful (and complex!) way of teaching and learning. Oken-Wright has traveled internationally to consult and give workshops and keynotes. She is the author of "Mommy, They're Taking Away My Imagination: Educating Your Young Child at Home" and has authored many chapters and articles. Her most recent work is published in her blog, "The Voices of Children: Lessons Learned While Listening" at pokenwright.com. Oken-Wright lives with her husband and three dogs in Richmond, Virginia.
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