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This volume of Exchange Essentials includes the following selected Exchange articles, in pdf format, focusing on mentoring:
When Intent and Reality Collide
by Jane Humphries and Rebecca Pruitt
Working with Generation Y
by Alan Ekblad and Timothy Hathaway
Lifting as You Climb
by Debra R. Sullivan
Collaborative Learning Communities
by Kristi Cheyney
Becoming a Self-Mentor
by Paula Jorde Bloom
Supervising or Coaching; What’s the Difference?
by Margie Carter
Is Mentoring Parents a Piece of Cake?
by Miriam Mercado Mercado
Mentoring Advocates in the Context of Early Childhood Education
by Sessy I. Nyman
The Potential Gains of Peer Mentoring Among Children
by Leslie Moguil
Mentoring Teachers . . . A Partnership in Learning
by Patricia Scallan-Berl