SKU 3600587

Stories of Resistance

Learning from Black Women in Early Care and Education

by Alissa Mwenelupembe



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Stories of Resistance is a collection of 12 powerful essays written by Black women in early care and education, sharing their personal and professional journeys.


Stories of Resistance is a robust and meaningful collection, weaving threads of the personal, professional and political into a vibrant tapestry of becoming. Twelve leaders in early care and education come together to authentically and proudly share their vision, fortitude, passion and courage. Their stories invite you to join a circle, draw strength and inspiration, and take new action in your own work in
the world.

“Seats at the decision-making table can be quite seductive – cause one to lose one’s head. The search for answers to the questions, How did it happen? Why am I here? can be unsettling. The personal stories of the Black women contributing to Stories of Resistance offer powerful rationales for the ‘hows and whys.’ The seat(s) are for those committed to operationalizing ‘what ought to be’ – a place where equity and social justice prevail as the default mode. The seat’s power is situational depending heavily on its occupant; she who is unapologetically centered at the apex of her cultural intersections; she who is propelled by an urgency to find and with a high degree of intentionality make her voice heard. Her seat moves with her!”

– Jerlean Daniel, PhD, Former Executive Director, National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

“Much appreciation to Alissa Mwenelupembe and the other brave women who have shared their poignant stories for this important book. It is long past time for leaders of color with strong voices, powerful stories and new thinking to be heard. Their stories call out, push back and transcend the white centered perspectives and power structures that have dominated the field of early childhood for too long. Along with the compelling content, this book is beautifully designed with inspirational words, quotes and photos of the courageous women who are featured. We have much to learn from this book as we decenter whiteness and transform our profession.”

– Deb Curtis, Toddler and Adult Educator, Author

Rooted: Theressa Lenear
Authentic: Jerletha Mcdonald
Defining: Cynthia Davis-Vanloo
Determined: Joyce Jackson
Limitless: Nadiyah Taylor
Reassurance: Brandy James
Passion: Rukia Rogers
Rebirth: Crystal Sanford-Brown
Intersectionality: Meghan L. Green
Resolute: Olga Lacayo
Planted: Kelly Ramsey
Resilience: Alissa Mwenelupembe

Author, Alissa Mwenelupembe

Alissa Mwenelupembe spends her time juggling a career in early childhood education and full-time doctoral study. She is working on a soon-to-be-published anthology titled "Stories of Resistance, Stories of Community," and participates as a facilitator and presenter in the ROW Initiative. Mwenelupembe spends the small amount of free time that she has with her husband and two children who inspire her to do this work every day.

Weight 1.25 lbs


Publication Year



Exchange Press

Page Count




