We come together, summoning our courage and boldness, because we believe that, collectively, we can transform early education and create a different future for children, educators, and families. The time to reimagine early education is now!

Nos unimos, reuniendo nuestro coraje y valentía, porque creemos que, colectivamente, podemos transformar nuestro campo y crear un futuro diferente para los niños, los educadores y las familias. ¡El momento ha llegado!

The Reimagining Our Work initiative began in the spring of 2020 as we all experienced the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown and began to understand the intense role that early childhood education and programs would play going forward. As a group of “conveners,” we saw this time as an opportunity to pause, to look and think deeply about who we are as educators and what we can do to truly reimagine our work, our way of being with children, with families, with each other and in the world. We developed a charter to guide our work and put out a call for others to join in reimagining work. 

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