2024-09-25T16:24:50-05:00By Cecilia Scott-Croff, Duane Dennis and Vonetta T. Rhodes|All-Access/Pro Members, Articles, Free Members, Issue 270 - Summer 2023, Standard Members|
About Vonetta T. Rhodes
Vonetta T. Rhodes is a proud mother, educator, administrator, trainer/consultant, adjunct professor, and advocate. She has worked in the field of early childhood education since 1993. She earned a master's in elementary education with a concentration in language arts from the University at Buffalo. Her motto is, "Care is education and education is care." Rhodes believes this is a monumental and unprecedented time of recognition, accomplishment, and life-changing advancement in the field of early care and education, and therefore her work is just beginning.2024-09-25T16:25:10-05:00By Barbara Grandberry, Lisa Nicholson, Kelly Ramsey, Vonetta T. Rhodes, Cecilia Scott-Croff and Pam Boulton|All-Access/Pro Members, Articles, Free Members, Issue 269 - January/February 2023, Standard Members|
2024-09-25T16:25:11-05:00By Cecilia Scott-Croff and Vonetta T. Rhodes|All-Access/Pro Members, Articles, Issue 269 - January/February 2023, Standard Members|
2024-03-25T13:48:43-05:00By Lisa Nicholson, Kelly Ramsey, Vonetta T. Rhodes, Cecilia Scott-Croff, Pam Boulton and Barbara Granberry|All-Access/Pro Members, Free Members, Reimagining Our Work, Standard Members, Video|
2024-03-25T13:48:35-05:00By Carol Garboden Murray, Vonetta T. Rhodes, Jane Tousignant and Kristie L. Norwood|All-Access/Pro Members, Free Members, Public, Reimagining Our Work, Standard Members, Video|
2023-06-09T17:11:19-05:00By Lois Ingellis, Carol Garboden Murray, Vonetta T. Rhodes and Frances Rofrano|All-Access/Pro Members, Articles, Issue 261 - September/October 2021, Standard Members|