Dimensions Educational Research Foundation
Dimensions Education Programs
Nature Explore
Exchange Press

Chris Whitmire

About Chris Whitmire (Edit profile)

Chris Whitmire is the director of early childhood education for Lewis Cass Intermediate School District in southwest Michigan. She leads a staff of 25 with educational programs for young children in the county who experience various barriers to learning. Whitmire has a master's degree in early childhood/elementary education and is a licensed building administrator, PreK-12. She has worked in the field of education for over 25 years, continually building her skills as an educator, a family advocate and a visionary leader. She founded a NAEYC-accredited school for young children in northern Indiana, the Early Learning Center, the first in the area to feature a Nature Explore-certified outdoor classroom. In the 1970s, Whitmire attended Grand Rapids Zoo School, a project-based, environmental school, where she experienced the convergence of nature and education in a public setting designed to challenge existing paradigms of thinking and learning. She views the Zoo School as one catalyst for her lifelong passions: young children, equitable learning and nature. Whitmire is also one of the eight conveners for the newly launched ROW Initiative featured in Exchange.
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