2024-05-31T09:06:50-05:00By Jane Humphries and Kari Rains|All-Access/Pro Members, Articles, Free Members, Issue 274 - Summer 2024, Standard Members|
About Jane Humphries
Jane Humphries’ experience in the early care and education field has included being a child care director of a NAEYC accredited program, child and parenting specialist, college instructor, researcher, program administrator of several government funded initiatives in Oklahoma, and national speaker. She has taught undergraduate and graduate students for over 25 years and has co-authored two books and several articles with Kari Rains. Humphries serves as an adjunct instructor at the University of Central Oklahoma and National Louis University which includes work as the Aim4Excellence™ Specialist at the McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership. She also founded her own company, Creative Educational Strategies & Services, dedicated to providing educators, administrators, parents, and other caregivers with the knowledge and research that supports best practices when working with people, especially those that need to fiddle to focus, talk and learn. Humphries earned undergraduate degrees in family and child development, a master’s degree in early childhood education, and a doctoral degree in occupational and adult education from Oklahoma State University.