2024-07-11T16:05:56-05:00By Mary Hynes-Berry, Jie-Qi Chen and Barbara Abel|All-Access/Pro Members, Articles, Issue 264 - March/April 2022, Standard Members|
About Mary Hynes-Berry
Mary Hynes-Berry brings five decades of working with young children and families, as well as preservice and in-service early childhood teachers, using questions and conversations about stories to promote inquiry and learning. Her book titled "Don't Leave the Story in the Book" (Teacher's College Press, 2011) explored how they spark inquiry across the curriculum. In the "Precursor Math Concept: The Wonder of Mathematical Worlds with Infants and Toddlers" (Teacher's College Press, 2021) Hynes-Berry, Jie-Qi Chen, and Barbara Abel focus on how language and cognitive development is grounded in positive interactive communication between caregivers, infants, and toddlers.2024-03-25T13:48:02-05:00By Heather Anthone, Mary Hynes-Berry, Carolyn Pope Edwards, J. Ronald Lally, Elanna S. Yalow and Laura Freund|All-Access/Pro Members, The Heart of Infant and Toddler Care, Video|