September 11, 2024

Finding a Comfortable Pace

It takes a lot of slow, to grow.
– Eve Merriam, American poet and writer (1916-1992)

Contributed by Erin Glenn, Managing Editor of Exchange Press.

A Lazy Thought by Eve Merriam

There go the grownups
To the office,
To the store.
Subway rush,
Traffic crush;
Hurry, scurry,
Worry, flurry.
No wonder
Don’t grow up
Any more.
It takes a lot
Of slow
To grow.

Today is September 11th. We acknowledge the powerful loss and memories associated with this anniversary. One way to honor the legacy of lives lost is to do what we can to savor life every day and live with intention.

In a recent conversation (passcode: 2=bnChY8) among the Exchange Reimaging Our Work (ROW) community, a participant spoke from her heart and mind about the pedagogical value of slowing down. I felt relief as she shared, and saw that others were moved as well. (We all know by now, the collective Zoom nod!) She gently named a human tendency to keep moving, keep adding, and fill the moments, hours, and days to the brim. While there is always more good work to be done, she noticed that at times the larger vision or deeper intentions could be compromised with a fast- paced focus on fixing, solving, adding on, and acting/reacting quickly. She also noted the satisfaction – a rush of efficiency, completion, and approval for our busyness. We can come to identify ourselves mostly by what we accomplish.

She shared that her pedagogy and program have been deeply enriched by experimenting with pacing. In taking time to pause, reflect on intentions, and share with colleagues, the team experienced renewal. She noted that “a different offering” flows from these practices. There is plenty of time. An added gift of this practice is that it models a relaxed and sustainable way of being, for children and adults who are managing their own challenges. Taking a pause, sharing with a friend, and living at a comfortable pace are gifts that are available to all of us, all the time.

In giving ourselves space for reflection, we give something back to life as well. We can live at the pace of our heartbeat.

Join us for the next ROW conversation on September 26th at 6 pm Central. Register now.

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