
August 15, 2024

Your Children Have Lessons to Teach

A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.
– Lao Tzu, semi-legendary ancient Chinese philosopher (Trad. 6th century BC – Trad. 5th century BC)

Author, philosopher and guide William Martin has been translating the Tao Te Ching for more than 40 years. In his beloved book “The Parent’s Tao Te Ching”, (Marlowe & Company, 1999) Martin translates the Tao in support of the sacred work of caregiving, parenting, teaching, and letting go.

“Your children have important lessons to learn,
but even more important ones to teach.

“What can they teach?
How to pay complete attention.
How to play all day without tiring.
How to let one thing go,
and move on to another
with no backward glances.
How to move and sit
with no tension in the muscles,
no stress in the bones.

“Thus the wise parent learns,
and grows
younger every day.

“How happy would your life become
if every time you taught your children
a new idea or skill from your world,
you stopped and watched until they taught you one from theirs?
What will you learn from them today?”

With admiration and respect for all who nurture and care for young children everywhere, every day.

And with gratitude to William Martin for his dedication to sharing the study of the Tao Te Ching with people in the west. Learn more about his journey and teachings.

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