2024-08-28T08:51:16-05:00By Rukia Monique Rogers, Iris Chin Ponte, Duane Dennis, Laurice McGinnis Lincoln and Shirley Murillo|All-Access/Pro Members, EdInsights, Video|
About Laurice McGinnis Lincoln
Laurice McGinnis Lincoln, MSOL, has been dedicated to advancing early childhood education, early intervention, and child and family services for more than 30 years. Her experience as an early education teacher and director of multiple NAEYC-accredited sites built a strong foundation for her ongoing work in the field. Lincoln has served as the Milwaukee county child care administrator and as the county birth to 3 program coordinator. In 2010, she was appointed to the interagency coordinated council for early intervention service. As a DHS lead, she oversaw the state's administration of 13 county birth to 3 programs. She has also served as a policy advisor in the department of children and families. Lincoln now serves as the state director of equity and inclusion in Wisconsin. She is a passionate early childhood advocate and enjoys teaching as an instructor at UW-Milwaukee and presenting workshops statewide and nationally.2024-08-28T08:53:56-05:00By Calvin E. Moore, Jr., Walter Gilliam, Karen Babbs Hollett, Debra Sullivan, Mike Browne, Laurice McGinnis Lincoln and Iris Chin Ponte|All-Access/Pro Members, EdInsights, Video|
2023-06-09T17:21:58-05:00By Raynice Jean-Sigur, Laurice McGinnis Lincoln, Angel Stoddard and Pam Boulton|All-Access/Pro Members, Articles, Free Members, Issue 258 - March/April 2021, Standard Members|